Tuesday 19 April 2016

Scan time !

Hello readers ! 
This is like a little virtual diary that I am keeping ... Feels so amazing to be able to write these little things down :) (well type technically) 
I remember I stopped writing a diary when I was in collage just coz my brother had read it once and it irritated the hell out of me. But now it's a different story :) 
It feels like a release more than anything ! 
Yes ! being a new mom can be stressful at times. 
How do I find time to write a post ? Well I don't I am just making use of my time ;) while my lil one sleeps and I don't feel like sleeping ! 
Today I am thinking back at my 20 weeks scan ! The time when I find out about the sex of the baby. 
Oh what an exciting day it was ! We both had taken a day off from work ,got up nice and early ,went to the hospital and while we were waiting to be called in I said to Mr K (hubby) that it's absolutely gonna be a boy! He asked me y is that ?  
I said - "because i want a girl "
He smiled and said "what ever it is it's gonna be perfect". 
I thought to myself "well of course it's gonna be perfect " 
Some of you may find it weird that Iam addressing my baby as "it ", but it's in that moment when you know the gender you start feeling even more attached to your baby and because now you know what it is , it's now a he or a she. 
Once we went inside and the scan lady told me it was a very active baby girl ... I quite literally jumped with joy !!  
It was happening ! ☺️ 
Here are some pictures 

It was the craziest happy feeling I have ever felt in my entire life to see little Elena move and kick so much in my belly ☺️! 
Bless the person who invented ultrasound machines ! Millions of moms all over the world are feeling the joy because of it 😃 
Even if it would have been a boy I would have been equally happy just having a baby girl first was my wish .. I don't know why but it was. 
Anyway back to the present ! Time to attend to a crying baby ! 
Cya until next time !! 


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